Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your Questions


How do we get started?

We will send you an onboarding link through our software portal to fill out your pet care profile. This process initially will take 10-15 mins depending on the amount of animals that will be in our care. Once you have completed this process we are notified and we will reach out to you to schedule the meet and greet.

How do I schedule services?

All scheduling is done through the scheduling tab via your client portal/ the app. We don’t schedule visits via messages in TTP/Text/via phone/email.

For scheduling and billing accuracy all scheduling is placed by the client via the TTP scheduling tab.

How do I cancel/change my visit request?

All cancellations/changes can be made through the TTP Scheduling portal/app.

We don’t cancel/change visits via messages in TTP/Text/via phone.

Cancellation rates may apply during certain request cancel periods, please refer to our policy page.

How do you access my home?
There are several options that we can access your homes. We require that you provide us with two copies of your key when we are accessing your home by key only. In addition to that you can put a lockbox on your door (or anywhere on your property that is easy to access) that includes your key in the lockbox. We are happy to provide one for a fee. If we are accessing your home via garage pad or door code we do require an onsite backup method to access your home in case of power outages or garage door malfunctions. Please always ensure that you have fresh batteries in your door code pads, garage door pads and test them to make sure they are in working order.
Can I bring a Pet to your home?
We DO NOT care for pets in our home. We only provide care in your home.
Do you charge extra for more than one dog/Cat?
The best part of our services is our pricing is all inclusive. We book our visit according to time and don’t charge a per pet rate. With that being said, the majority of pet families can be cared for during a normal 30 minute visit routine. If you have a family with many pets and detailed care instructions, your pets may be better served with a longer duration visit. We can discuss these needs during the meet and greet.
When are you available for services?
Our business is open 365 days a year from 7 am until 9 pm and we do have overnight care as well.
Will you Job share with my neighbor or other Family members?
We will job share but you will be required to sign a release of liability as we can’t be responsible for any neglect that other persons outside of FPS cause to your home or your animals.

Caregivers that are Pawtastic Purrfessionals

Do I get to meet my Petsitter/Dog walker?
We set up an initial meet and greet. If your sitter is not available, the person doing the meet and greet will do an introduction to the pets on the first visit. We work as a team since our sitters have flexible scheduling. If you’d like to meet a sitter from the team you can schedule a visit to do so.
What if my petsitter/Dog walker has is sick, has an emergency or days off?

We work as a team! All our sitters are part time workers and take off as needed. We have back up sitters that can fill in when your primary pet sitter is not available. That is the benefit of having a professional pet sitting company so you’re not struggling to find a backup sitter in these instances.

Are you insured and bonded?

We are both insured and bonded through the Business Insurance of the Carolinas. We carry our insurance with the Business Insurers of the carolinas.

Do you use background checks?

Everyone is background checked on a yearly basis.

Can I contact my care giver directly?

We do not share your personal phone numbers with the sitters. Please don’t leave your phone number for the sitters to contact you/ask for the sitters personal numbers when they are at the meet and greet. We keep All our communication professional and it is done through our software app. It works just like texting so you can communicate with us 24 hours a day through Time To Pet. We only contact you via text/phone in the state of emergency and a manager/owner will be reaching out to you in that case. We work as a team and everyone needs to be on the same page and this policy helps facilitate that need.


How long are your dog walks?

We can do a variety of dog walking time frames:

20 mins/ 30 mins/45 mins/60 mins/Almost overnights and overnight care.

We schedule them based on your budget and you and your pets physical and emotional needs.

How long are your pet sitting visits?
We can do a variety of pet sitting visits with time frames of 30 mins/45 mins/60mins.
What kind of walking equipment do you use?
We use the walking equipment that you provide. If the equipment is not safe, worn out or not secure we will provide our own martingale collar and leash.Please make sure the location of all walking equipment is either left out or listed location is available in the software profiles.
Will you let my dog off leash?
We will never let your dog off leash for the safety and liability of your dogs and our sitters.
Do you Pick up poop?

We have a saying when your dog poops on our watch it’s our dooty to pick it up. We pick up poop that resulted on our visit that was produced in your yard or on our walk. We can’t be responsible for any other deposits made into your yard outside of those circumstances.

Get Started with Family Pet Sitters Today!

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